Saturday, February 11, 2006

Winter in Wilmette

This morning was a bi-election. It only lasted an hour. Only 14 people were present, but there were a lot of absentee ballots. I was so pleased, because over half of the eligible community members were conscientious enough to vote. We have such a strong and devoted community, with an Assembly that is in unity. This has been such a blessing for us.

Friday, December 23, 2005

What do Baha'is do over the Holidays?

Kim has been guiding at the House of Worship. But this winter we have had to say good-bye to a dear friend---Caswell Ellis. He passed on (ascended) a few days ago and was buried today in California. There will be a memorial service for this devoted Servant to the Blessed Beauty, but the House of Worship hasn't announced the date yet.

It's a hard time, regardless of the fact that we don't celebrate, simply because the vast majority of people around us do, to one extent or another. But if it weren't for Christmas/Hanukah we'd all be busy working at this time of year---at least in the school districts.

There's always something to be thankful for. Have a joyous and peaceful Holy Day (or hoilday) and a prosperous and rewarding New Year!

Friday, November 25, 2005

A Busy Weekend

Not only was yesterday Thanksgiving, but tomorrow---Saturday---is the Day of the Covenant when the Local Spiritual Assemblies have to meet to elect the Regional Councils and the communities celebrate the life of the beloved Master, 'Abdu'l-Baha; Sunday is Wilmette Day at the House of Worship; and in the early hours of Monday (3:00 am) is the Ascension of 'Abdu'l-Baha. One can't say that being a Baha'i is a boring life! Ya Baha'ul-abha!

Saturday, November 12, 2005

From the living room window
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Birth of Baha'u'llah Observance

I wasn't prepared to go to the House of Worship commemorative devotions today--I was dressed too causally for my taste--but I did go, and didn't regret it. I was very moved by being there . . . and was blessed with a personal insight as well. There is alway something to be thankful for.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Blessed is the Spot . . .

I am looking forward to using this blog for posting Baha'i quotations . . . This is a blog for Baha'i moments, thoughts, discussion.